Greeneville Lodge No. 3 F. & A. M. has a long and interesting history, and there are many fascinating stories about hard-ships, persecutions, and extremely trying times that the Lodge endured. From its first organization up to November, 1857, the Lodge records are lost. However, it is known that their meetings were held in many different locations, including private homes. Around 1859 or 1860, the Lodge occupied quarters on the third floor of a brick building on the west side of Main St., between Summer and Depot Sts., in Greeneville, Tennessee. In 1884, the Lodge purchased the entire third floor of this building and the right of way up to it. This was the first time that they had owned the premises in which they met, having during all the previous years of its existence paid rent for their halls. After this purchase, valuable improvements were made in different ways and at different times. In 1908, the Lodge sold this hall to the Odd Fellows and erected a third story upon the walls of a large new brick building which was then being constructed by Mr. G. W. Wheatley on the corner of Main and Summer Sts., in Greeneville, Tennessee.
It was to the Lodge Hall at the above location that on April 1, 1921 Brother J. M. Susong and Sister Queen Davis, W.M., from Newport Chapter O.E.S., came with officers from their Chapter to organize a new Eastern Star Chapter in Greeneville, Tennessee. Forty-six persons, 25 women and 21 men, eagerly gathered that evening to become the Charter members of the new Greeneville Chapter.
The minutes of the very first meeting of the new U.D. Chapter, which was held on May 12, 1921, show that the new members immediately plunged into the activities and faced the challenges that sound familiar to us all even today. The secretary noted that the meeting was held with "a small percent of the members being present". After the By-Laws were read and discussed at length, and the matter of fees and dues were settled (fixed at $5.00 initiatory fee and $1.00 per annum for dues), discussion was had about a luncheon the ladies were asked to serve the Masons. It was voted to do this, and the minutes of the next regular meeting show that the ladies "had cleared a neat sum of money" from the luncheon.
The Eastern Star worked hard and diligently to acquire the necessary furnishings, equipment, and paraphernalia for their Chapter and also worked closely with their masonic brothers in making improvements to the facilities, furnishings, and equipping a kitchen and dining hall. They also in the early years "adopted" a girl who was a resident of one of the Masonic homes, provided her clothing, aided in school expenses, and remembered her at Christmas for a considerable period of time until her mother was able to resume custody.
In 1974, the Masonic bodies purchased a building on the 11-E By-Pass, and a dispensation was received from Grand Chapter to move to the new location as a permanent meeting place. The building was purchased from Brother Howard White. On December 12, 1974, remodeling and various improvement projects started all over again.
Through the years, various members from our Chapter have served as appointed officers in Grand Chapter, as Grand Committee members, Grand Instructors, and Grand Representatives. We assisted in the institution of two other Chapter in our area - Baileyton and Warrensburg.
Our Chapter has had good years and lean years, and has grown from the original 46 members to a membership of 195 at the closing of 1982. We know that our own lives have been enriched by our association and shared activities with our Sisters and Brothers, and would like to feel that our capacity for service has likewise been broadened and enhanced. We therefore face the future prayerfully, confidently and proud to be members of the Order of the Eastern Star.
List of Members of Greeneville Chapter U.D., Greeneville, Tennessee
April 1st, 1921
Constituted - May 12, 1921
Ladies List (25)
Brannan, Mrs. Belle
Brannan, Mrs. Karlie
Brannet, Mrs. Lulu
Christian, Mrs. Florenoe
Christian, Miss Mary
Dyer, Mrs. Rutin
Frear, Mrs. Katherine
Fry, Mrs. Dessie
Goldstein, Mrs. Lena
Hawkins, Mrs. Roberta
Hawkins, Miss Mabel
Hawkins, Miss Grace
Hawkins, Miss Esther
Howard, Mrs. Lottie E.
Howard, Mrs. Grace T.
Humphreye, Mrs. Mollie Belle
Lamons, Mrs. Elizabeth
Lancaster, Mrs. Mamie H.
Pierce, Mrs. Victoria
Rader, Mrs. Myrtle
Roberts, Mrs. Myrtle Ruth
Sentelle, Mrs. Hawkins
Snapp, Mrs. Elizabeth
Thomas, Mrs. Marjorie
White, Mrs. Franoes
Master Masons (21)
Bacon, John P.
Brannet, John C.
Davis, Hugh F.
Doughty, George W.
Fry, Eugene
Goldstein, Morris
Howard, Nathaniel T.
Howard, Robert C.
Humphreys, Samuel H.
Kiser, Bruce
Lamons, George S.
Lancaster, Eustis A.
Luttrell, Thomas J.
McDannel, Joseph W.
Pierce, Elbert P.
Roberts, William N.
Rosenblatt, Thomas A.
Smith, Jerome T.
Snapp, Henry R.
Snapp, Earl R.
Thomas, Henry H.
May 12, 1921 - First Meeting Officers
Worthy Matron
Worthy Patron
Associate Matron
Asso. Conductress
Mrs. Belle Brannan
R.C. Howard
Mrs. Mamie H. Lancaster
Mrs. Myrtle Rader
Mrs. Grace T. Howard
Mrs. Elizabeth Snapp
Mrs. Marjorie Thomas
E.A. Lancaster
Mrs. Katherine Frear
Miss Mary Christian
Miss Esther Hawkins
Mrs. Karlie Brannan
Mrs. Victoria Pierce
Mrs. Elizabeth Lamons
Mrs. Dessie Fry
Mrs. Roberta Hawkins
J. W. McDannel