Membership application

Blue Lodge New Member Petition.pdf Blue Lodge New Member Petition.pdf
Size : 21.567 Kb
Type : pdf


petitioning process

The Petition for the Three Degrees must include references from two current Greeneville Lodge Members in good standing. If you do not know any members or need assistance filling out the petition, please visit the Contact page and we will be happy to assist you.

Please complete the Petition for the Three Degrees. You are also required to complete a Background Check. Please click the button below and click Volunteer Now! to complete the Background Check.  The fee for the Background Check is non-refundable.  

Once you have filled out your Petition and completed the Background Check, an investigation committee will be assigned at the next stated business meeting and will be in contact with you.  Your petition to receive the Three Degrees will be voted on at the following stated business meeting.  You will then be contacted with the results. A fee of $150 must be paid to Greeneville Lodge No. 3 prior to receiving the first degree of Freemasonry.  Once you have received the first degree, the fee of $150 becomes non-refundable.

Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to Contact us.



york rite Petition 

(Please print both Petition Forms )

Petition York Rite Front.pdf Petition York Rite Front.pdf
Size : 12.706 Kb
Type : pdf


Petition York Rite Back.pdf Petition York Rite Back.pdf
Size : 11.558 Kb
Type : pdf


Scottish Rite Petition.pdf Scottish Rite Petition.pdf
Size : 156.623 Kb
Type : pdf
Eastern Star Petition.pdf Eastern Star Petition.pdf
Size : 693.751 Kb
Type : pdf